„I don't have the answers, Charley. But I know that people get confused in this life about what they want, and what they've done, and what they think they should've because of it. Everything they think they are or did, takes hold so hard that it won't let them see what they can be.“ (Character Sue to Character Charley from the movie Open Range (2002)))
Wie in den Bildern zu sehen und auch in dem Video, ist es möglich:
- den alten Code ingeben
- einen neuen Code einzustellen
- serielle Schnittstelle zwischen zwei Arduinos
Zudem gibt es immer einen Standard Code(1303)
Verwendete Bauteile
2x Arduino UNO
1x Steckbrett
1x LCD Bildschirm1x Widerstand1x Potentiometer1x Buzzer
1X Keypad
1x Servo Motor
ca 30x Steckbrücken